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发布人:张艺芳  发布时间:2023-07-17   浏览次数:376


  报告题目一Inverse problems for mean field games 

  报告摘要The theory of mean field games studies the limiting behaviours of large systems where the agents interact with each other in a certain symmetric way. It has rapidly developed into one of the most significant tools towards the study of the Nash equilibrium behaviour of large systems. The mathematical study of mean field games has attracted considerable interest in the scientific community. I shall talk about our recent advances on the mathematical understanding of the mean field game theory from the perspective of inverse problems. 




  报告题目二Inverse problems for nonlinear progressive waves

  报告摘要Infrasound refers to sound waves with frequencies below the audible range of human hearing. It continues to receive significant attention in the literature due to their key role in a variety of applications of practical importance. In this talk, I shall discuss our recent results on the infrasonic inversions.




  刘宏宇教授简介刘宏宇,香港城市大学数学系教授、副主任,国家级高层次人才,福建省闽江学者讲座教授。刘宏宇教授现担任国际反问题协会秘书,香港研究资助局物理学科评议组委员等。刘宏宇教授的研究领域为应用数学和计算数学,包括数学物理中的反问题,偏微分方程,超材料和隐形,散射理论和谱理论。近年来,也开始探讨反散射与仿生学习及人工智能的交叉和结合。刘宏宇教授在上述领域取得了一系列创新性的研究成果,目前在国际高水平学术期刊发表论文160余篇,其中9篇论文被相关杂志评为年度亮点论文、特色论文或高被引论文, 出版专著4部,主持科研基金项目20余项。在国内外学术会议受邀做学术报告160余场。