报告题目:Vector-Borne Disease Models with Lagrangian Approach
摘要:We develop a multi-group and multi-patch model to study the effects of population dispersal on the spatial spread of vector-borne diseases across a heterogeneous environment. The movement of host and/or vector is described by Lagrangian approach in which the origin or identity of each individual stays unchanged regardless of movement. The basic reproduction number R0 of the model is defined and the strong connectivity of the host-vector network is succinctly characterized by the residence times matrices of hosts and vectors. The global dynamics of the model system are shown to be entirely determined by its basic reproduction number. We then obtain some biologically meaningful upper and lower bounds on the basic reproduction number which are independent or dependent of the residence times matrices. In particular, the heterogeneous mixing of hosts and vectors in a homogeneous environment always increases the basic reproduction number. When only host movement between two patches is concerned, the subdivision of hosts can lead to a larger basic reproduction number. In addition, we numerically investigate the dependence of the basic reproduction number and the total number of infected hosts on the residence times matrix of hosts, and compare the impact of different vector control strategies on disease transmission.
报告地点:腾讯会议 会议号:190 929 960
报告人简介:高道舟,上海师范大学数学系教授,博士生导师。2012年5月获得迈阿密大学博士学位。2012/06-2015/11,在加州大学旧金山分校(UCSF)从事博士后研究,2015年入选上海市特聘教授(东方学者)。主要研究领域为数学传染病学、种群生态学和微分方程,在SIAM J Appl Math, J Nonlinear Sci, J Math Biol, Bull Math Biol, Am J Trop Med Hyg, Theor Popul Biol, Sci Rep等期刊发表论文四十多篇,其中斑块传染病模型的系列工作先后三次受到美国工业与应用数学学会(SIAM)的专文介绍,寨卡模型工作被加拿大电视网(CTV)、巴西《环球报》(O Globo)、秘鲁《商报》(El Comercio)、ScienceDaily、果壳网等媒体所报道,并获得学术同行的大量引用。担任SCI期刊Math Biosci Eng编委,曾受邀并获全额资助参加世界卫生组织专家评审会议。目前主持国家自然科学基金和上海市自然科学基金各一项。