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发布人:蔡易  发布时间:2021-06-21   浏览次数:740






题目:hp-version discontinuous Galerkin  methods and Hybrid high order methods on polygonal and polyhedral meshes

摘要:In this series of lectures, we will review the recent development of the hp-version discontinuous Galerkin (dG) methods and Hybrid High-order (HHO) methods on polygonal/polyhedral elements. These two methods stand for two different but popular numerical methods for solving PDEs based on polytopic grids. We will spent five lectures for discussing about the mathematics of the hp-version dG methods on polytopic meshes, including: the design of the methods, the stability analysis, a priori/posteriori error analysis and the application of the methods. There will be also be one lecture on the introduction of the HHO methods for elliptic problems. Here is the list of the six lectures:

1. hp-version dG method on polygonal meshes I: Basic theory, why dG, polygonal meshes,  polynomial inverse inequality

2. hp-version dG method on polygonal meshes II: hp-approximation theory, a priori error analysis.

3. hp-version dG method on polygonal meshes III: advection-diffusion-reaction problem and fourth order PDEs

4. hp-version dG method on polygonal meshes IV: space-time dG methods for solving time dependent PDEs and GPU computation.

5. hp-version dG method on polygonal meshes V: A posterior error analysis dG on polygonal meshes for second order PDEs and Fourth order PDEs.

6. HHO methods for solving elliptic PDEs. 


报告人简介:董兆楠在20112017年在英国University of Leicester师从于间断有限元有限元方法(dG)的专家Emmanuil Georgoulis教授和 Andrea Cangiani博士,获得应用数学博士。2017-2018年在英国University of Leicester从事博士后研究。 2019年在希腊国立数学研究院(IACM-FORTH)做访问学者。201911-20209月在英国Cardiff University 数学系做讲师。现在法国国家信息与自动化研究所(INRIA)做永久研究员(CRCN等价于大学Assistant/Associate professor)。董兆楠的研究方向包括:continuous and discontinuous FEM, hp-version FEM, adaptive algorithms, multiscale methods,  polygonal discretization methods, solver design. 2016年至今在 SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, Mathematics of Computation, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing等杂志上发表10余篇文章。与英国University of Leicester Emmanuil Georgoulis教授,University of Nottingham Paul Houston教授好友意大利SISSA研究院的Andrea Cangiani 副教授合作的学术专著 hp–version discontinuous Galerkin methods on polygonal and polyhedral meshes Springer公司于2017年年底出版。