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韩国成均馆大学Subang Lim教授报告通知
发布人:系统管理员  发布时间:2017-06-27   浏览次数:495

应002全讯白菜网数学系张毅超教授邀请,韩国成均馆大学Subang Lim教授于2017626日至201771日在002全讯白菜网数学系进行学术访问,并于6 29日(周四)下午16:30-17:30在正心楼203作学术报告,详细信息如下,欢迎大家参加!


报告题目:Limits of traces of singular moduli

报告摘要:Zagier proved that traces  $Tr_d(j_1)$ of singular moduli for $d<0$ are coefficients of a weakly holomorphic modular form $g_1$ of weight $3/2$. Duke, Imamo$/bar{/mathrm{g}}$lu, and T/'oth defined a modular trace $Tr_d(j_1)$ for $d>0$ by using the cycle integral of $j_1$, and showed that its generating function is a mock modular form whose shadow is $g_1$. In this talk, we introduce connections between $Tr_d(j_1)$ for $d>0$ and $Tr_d(j_1)$ for $d<0$ by considering a certain asymptotic behavior of twisted sums of $Tr_d(j_1)$ over $d>0$ and $d<0$, respectively.



讲座嘉宾:Subang Lim

嘉宾简介:Subang Lim教授是模形式领域非常活跃的一位专家,近几年共发表超过10SCI论文,与众多该领域的专家保持着紧密的合作。主要研究方向为Modular Forms, Jacobi Forms, Quantum Modular Forms and Eichler-Shimura Cohomology.