应概率统计与运筹控制研究所田波平教授邀请,美国内华达州拉斯维加斯大学单国根(Guogen Shan)博士将于6月2日-6月4日来公司进行讲学活动,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加! 报告时间:6月3日16: 15-17:15 报告地点:数学系会议室(格物楼503) 报告题目:Title: Adaptive designs for phase II cancer clinical trials 报告摘要: Simon’s optimal two-stage design has been widely used in early phase clinical trials for Oncology and AIDS studies with binary endpoints. With this approach, the second-stage sample size is fixed when the trial passes the first stage with sufficient activity. Adaptive designs, such as those due to Banerjee and Tsiatis (2006) and Englert and Kieser (2013), are flexible in the sense that the second-stage sample size depends on the response from the first stage, and these designs are often seen to reduce the expected sample size under the null hypothesis as compared with Simon’s approach. An unappealing trait of the existing designs is that they are not associated with a second-stage sample size, which is a non-increasing function of the first-stage response rate. In this work, an efficient intelligent process, the branch-and-bound algorithm, is used in extensively searching for the optimal adaptive design with the smallest expected sample size under the null, while the type I and II error rates are maintained and the aforementioned monotonicity characteristic is respected. The proposed optimal design is observed to have smaller expected sample sizes compared to Simon’s optimal design, and the maximum total sample size of the proposed adaptive design is very close to that from Simon’s method. The proposed optimal adaptive two-stage design is recommended for use in practice to improve the flexibility and efficiency of early phase therapeutic development. 单国根简介:2000-2004,南开大学数学本科;2004-2007,南开老员工物信息硕士;2007-2011,美国纽约州立大学水牛分校生物统计博士;2012--至今美国纽约拉斯维加斯老员工物与统计系助理教授。主要研究方向是统计学中的新方法,应用前沿统计方法于临床试验等。目前,在国际统计学SCI顶级期刊Statistics in Medicine,Statistical Methods in Medical Research,Biometrics,Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,Statistics & Probability Letters,Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,Computational Statistics & Data Analysis等期刊上发表或接受论文40余篇,ACA会员。 |