应数学系计算数学研究所邀请,吉林大学002资讯网马富明教授将于近期访问我系,报告信息如下,欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学参加。 报告题目:Numerical computation of some problems from scattering and inverse scattering in near field optics 地点:格物楼503 时间:2014年11月25日下午 14:00-15:00 报告摘要: The scattering and inverse scattering of acoustic and electromagnetic waves are important subjects in many engineering and scientific fields. There are many challenges in their mathematical analysis and numerical computation. Near-filed optics is a subject to study some near-field phenomena including non-radiating field and evanescent wave in optics. Near-field optical microscopes and near-field scanning optical microscopes are important instruments based on principle of near-field optics. They are such imaging systems with superresolution. In general, for ordinary optical imaging system, the resolution is limited by half wave-length of illustrate light. But for near-field imaging systems, this limit can be broken due to using the information from evanescent waves. In this talk, we are going to show our studies on numerical computation for a kind of scattering and inverse scattering problems which are from near-field optics. 报告人简介 马富明,吉林大学002资讯网教授,博士生导师。1988年于原吉林大学数学研究所计算数学专业获得理学博士学位(指导教师李荣华教授)。曾任吉林大学002资讯网经理、教育部教学指导委员会数学与统计学分委员会成员、中国数学会理事、吉林省数学会副理事长、中科院《计算数学》编委。现任中国计算数学会常务理事、吉林大学002资讯网学术委员会主任、中科院《数值计算与计算机应用》编委、《高校计算数学学报》编委、《Communications in Mathematical Research》编委。研究方向:计算数学、微分方程数值解法、数学物理反问题的数值方法。在国内外学术期刊发表学术论文60余篇。主持完成教委留学回国人员基金1项,攀登计划项目子课题1项,973项目子课题1项,基金委青年基金项目1项,基金委与工程物理研究院联合基金项目1项。 |