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发布人:系统管理员  发布时间:2014-07-16   浏览次数:896


报告题目:­­­ Homotopy Operator and Applications

地 点: 数学系会议室(格物楼503

时 间: 2014718日 下午4:00

报告摘要:In recent years, much progress has been made in the study of differential forms and the related operators, such as the homotopy operator, Green’s operator and potential operator. Among these operators, the homotopy operator is a critical one. It is well known that any differential form u can be decomposed as u = d(Tu) + T(du), where d is the differential operator and T is the homotopy operator. Therefore, the homotopy operator provides an effective tool to study various properties of different forms and the related operators. As extensions of functions, differential forms have become invaluable tools for many fields of sciences and engineering, including theoretical physics, general relativity, potential theory and electromagnetism. They can be used to describe various systems of PDEs and to express different geometrical structures on manifolds. The purpose of this talk is to present an up-to-date account of the recent advances made in the study of the homotopy operator and its compositions applied to differential forms.



丁树森, 美国西雅图大学 (Seattle University) 教授。1996年毕业于美国佛罗里达州立大学(Florida State University, 获博士学位。主要研究方向为实分析、调和分析及算子方程。现担任4个国际数学期刊编委,作为Lead Guest Editor, 3SCI期刊编辑出版了5本专辑。 发表SCI论文70余篇,为20多种国际数学期刊审稿。在Springer出版社合作出版专著《Inequalities for Differential Forms》,在区域理论、调和方程、算子理论及不等式等方面均有深入的研究。其工作受到国际同行的认可,数次为国际数学会议组织筹备相关领域的分组会议,5次应邀为Springer专刊撰写有关章节。