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美国俄亥俄州立大学Friedman院士和Yuan Lou教授讲学通知
发布人:系统管理员  发布时间:2013-08-30   浏览次数:660
受学校人事处和国际合作与交流基金资助,应理学院数学系的邀请,公司数学学科首席学术顾问美国俄亥俄州立大学的Friedman院士和俄亥俄州立老员工物数学中心的副主任Yuan Lou教授将于91日?914日来公司访问讲学并进行学术交流,现将讲学时间、地点、内容通知如下,欢迎相关专业老师和同学参加。
Sep 02 Monday
9:00-10:00 Avner Friedman
Title: A radially symmetric tumor with one type of cell of constant density: global existence, stationary solutions, stability of stationary solutions
10:00-12:00 Yuan Lou
Title: Some Mathematical Models from Spatial Ecology I: Evolution of slow dispersal
Sep 03 Tuesday
9:00-10:00 Avner Friedman
Title: Same model: Stability of radial solution for GENERAL initial perturbations; symmetry breaking bifurcations of the radial solution
10:00-12:00 Yuan Lou
Title: Some Mathematical Models from Spatial Ecology II: Diffusion induced extinction
Sep 04 Wednesday
9:00-10:00 Avner Friedman
Title: A tumor model with several type of cells (proliferating, quiescence, dead) in a general domain: local existence; radial solutions
10:00-12:00 Yuan Lou
Title: Some Mathematical Models from Spatial Ecology III: Directed movement vs. random movement
Sep 05 Thursday
9:00-10:00 Avner Friedman
Title: A wound healing model with free boundary: local existence
10:00-12:00 Yuan Lou
Title: Some Mathematical Models from Spatial Ecology IV: An introduction on ideal free distribution
Sep 06 Friday
9:00-10:00 Avner Friedman
Title: Introducing a new model of avascular tumor, with several types of cell, as a new research project. The aim is to prove that small tumors will disappear and large tumor will grow; the radially symmetric case is already a nice open problem.
10:00-12:00 Yuan Lou
Title: TBA
The second week: Start discussing the projects that will be introduced in the last lectures
